How to check brute-force protection using ncrack software

To check protection against brute force attack you need to run it.

Preparation is a good source for downloading lists of popular user names or password. At least you understand the format how to create own lists. For quick test it will be enough to download the following files: Save both as users.txt and passwords.txt correspondently.


Ncrack can be used to run brute force against known services like SSH, RDP, FTP.

SSH Brute forcencrack -U users.txt -P passwords.txt -p 22
FTP Brute forcencrack -U users.txt -P passwords.txt -p 21
RDP Brute forcencrack -U users.txt -P passwords.txt -p 3389


Refer to our Nmap Cheatsheet to find command for running a brute force attack.

See Also

Published on Apr 12, 2017