Attack Surface Reduction

Attack Surface Reduction is the first principle of designing secured architectures. The best protection against attacks from aggresive Internet is to close any ability for malicious users to attack the system or services (access to admin part, SSH, FTP, RDP, etc.)

Usually this priniciple began to use when something wrong already happened. Although it may and must be defined during architecture design phase or at last at first deployment.

Firewall is the first tool for attack surface reduction. Most of technical staff forget about it. And even if remember, firewalls usually configured to filter only INPUT traffic. Only small amount of system filters OUTPUT traffic as well although it is also important to control what external resources does the server use to interchange data. If OUTPUT traffic is not filtering, attacker just need to find a way to perform malicous code on the server (SQL Injection, Shell Injection or infect the machine in advance) and pull data from the server to any location. Just recently we participated in investigation of the incident when the system was infected by fired admin and send periodically data from business system to suspicious address in Internet.

There is typical architecture on the right left picture: web site, admin part to web site (/admin), database. 3 groups of users: anonymous and registered users, managers, techinical support. Definitely you will have much complex architecture, but this example will give understanding how to protect the system.


Before touching servers (much better on the architectural phase) it's very good practice to take a pen and creat list of access requirements to user groups, external services, firewall rules to each area. Most of web systems work with predefined list of external Internet services and rules for filtering output traffic can be created as well.

Below is an example of table with access requirements:

Server/device Traffic direction Ip Address Port Comment
Web Server IN All 80(TCP) HTTP access to web site
IN All 443(TCP) HTTPs access to web site
IN Static Ip addresses of technical support 22 or 3389(TCP) SSH or RDP access to the server
OUT DB Server Ip Db Server Port (3389 or 3306) Access to database
OUT DNS Server Ip 53(UDP)
Access DNS Service
OUT 123(UDP) NTP services for time sync
Protected folder (/admin) IN Static Ip address of tech support
Static Ip address of VPN Server
Limit access to admin part of the web site
DB Server IN Web server Ip address DB Server Port (3306) Access to database from web servers
OUT DNS Server Ip 53(UDP)
Access DNS Service
OUT 123(UDP) NTP services for time sync
VPN Server IN Managers Ip Address Range 500 and 4500 L2TP/IPSec, L2TPv3
IN -//- 443, 992 и 5555 (TCP), 1194 (UDP) OpenVPN
IN -//- 1723 (GRE) PPTP
OUT DNS Server Ip 53(UDP)
Access DNS Service
OUT 123(UDP) NTP services for time sync
OUT Web servers Ip address 443(TCP) Access to web servers

So after this step you will have the base list of firewall rules for the first configuration as well as for regular checks.

Linux Firewall

Please see our expertize how to Configure iptables on Linux

See Also

Published on May 15, 2017